Saturday, March 8, 2025

2015 - Arkham Knight batmobile

Whereas the previous addition to my batmobile collection only appeared in an animated movie, the latest one only features in the Arkham Knight video game.

And like several 'real' batmobiles, it's a tank-like vehicle again.

As the logo states, #8.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

1992- 'Animated Series' batmobile

So far, all the batmobiles in the collection have appeared in live-action movies or tv-series. But there was also a batmobile in The Animated Series:

And it so happens that Jada Toys has issued a 1:24 model of this batmobile, of course with a Batman figure.

#7 in the collection!

Friday, October 4, 2024

2017 - 'Knightcrawler' batmobile

The batmobile from the 2017 movie 'Justice League' is a 'tank-like' batmobile again, like the previous 'Tumbler'. Here's a clip from the movie, (briefly) featuring the 'Knightcrawler'.

And this is what it looks like as a 1:24 model car (as always, from Jada Toys):

Clearly, even more of a mean machine than the 'Tumbler'!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

1995 - 'Tim Flattery' batmobile

Surely the most 'gothic' of all batmobiles is the one designed by Tim Flattery for the Batman Forever movie from 1995. Here's the story of the creation of that 'gothic' batmobile.

Jada Toys has a 1:24 model of this batmobile, and it's now part of my wee collection (including the batman figure, of course).

I like this one, a lot! My second favourite, after the classic 1966 batmobile.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

2008 - 'Tumbler' batmobile

Yet another totally different Batmobile appeared in the Dark Knight trilogy, starting in 2008. Compared to the elegant classic 1966 Batmobile, this is a tank!

Here is a chase scene from the movie, featuring this monster, referred to as the 'Tumbler'.

And here is my 1:24 model of the 'Tumbler', together with a Batman figure.

Can't say it's my favourite Batmobile, but it sure belongs in the collection.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

1989 - 'Tim Burton' batmobile

The Batman movie from 1989, directed by Tim Burton, introduced a very different batmobile again. This one was based on a Chevrolet Impala chassis.

My model is again one produced by Jada Toys (and again comes with a Batman figure).

I'll definitely stick to Jada Toys models from now on ...

Saturday, February 24, 2024

2022 - 'muscle car' batmobile

The batmobile in the 2022 movie 'The Batman' is based on a late 1960s muscle car, think Dodge Charger or Challenger or something similar.

The 2022 batmobile model (also from Jada Toys) is clearly a very different model from the 1966 classic batmobile model! And it also comes with a standing batman figure.

Batmobile #2 in the collection! 

Looking at eBay, it seems that pretty much all batmobiles that are available in 1:24 scale are made by Jada Toys, and they all come with a batman figure. So I'm going to stick to that one company.

2015 - Arkham Knight batmobile

Whereas the previous addition to my batmobile collection only appeared in an animated movie, the latest one only features in the  Arkham Kn...