Friday, February 9, 2024

Batmobile 1:24

About 20 years ago, I stumbled across this: a batmobile on a flatbed trailer. Not something you see every day in Sunningdale!

I very much doubt that this is the original batmobile from the tv series that ran from 1966 to 1968. It surely is a replica of some sort, but a really good one at that!

Recently, I happened to stumble across these pictures again, and, given I've got a collection going of both Bugatti and Corvette 1:24 scale models, an idea entered my mind ..... Sure you can see what idea, right? Exactly: why not start another collection of 1:24 scale batmobiles? There can't be that many ... Same basic rules as for the other two collections: 1:24 scale (obviously) and max price (without p&p) of around £25. Don't have to think about different colours of the same model: all batmobiles are obviously (mostly) black.

And rather than photograph the models I'm going to get outside, as I've done for the Bugattis and 'Vettes, I thought I'd take pictures on the Batman chess set I got a few years ago.

As they say, watch this space!

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2015 - Arkham Knight batmobile

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